Opportunity to own and run 2 levels, 15 rooms Airbnb, boarding House business.
This business comes with Cafe Business included downstairs. Currently, runs under management but can be run as an owner-operator to improve on profit.
All booking is currently taken by Airbnb sites and easy to run and operate.
The business, ID: 895 Air BNB, Boarding House & Cafe which you recently enquired about has a change in status/condition of sales.
As the current business owner urgently needs to relocate overseas, the landlord is now accepting new tenancy applications.
The conditions will be as follows:
• EOI (Expression of Interest)
• NO Upfront fee (ie. no purchase price)
• Fully fitted out café and 15 room boarding house
• 2 level boarding house business (15 Rooms) & cafe business on the ground level
• Term of 5+5 years new lease
• $6,000 + GST per week rent ($5,000 for boarding house & $1000 for Cafe) - REDUCED
• Landlord to offer an additional $1,000 + GST per week rent reduction for the first 6 months to assist in growing your business
• 12 weeks Bond/Bank Guarantee
This is a great opportunity to start your business with no upfront cost.
If you are serious and interested in putting in your application for a tenancy, please don’t hesitate to email me or contact me directly to enquire further.
If you like to know more about the Business please complete our online confidentiality agreement here: https://www.abbabusinesssales.com.au/ca-forms/ca-form-895
or visit our Website www.abbabusinesssales.com.au and use the reference #895 to search for the business.
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